Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Scrapbooking Tournaments

It is hard to decide who is more excited about reaching the tournament—you or your sports star champions. Scrapbooking the tournament presents a few challenges but is a memory you will want to immortalize on paper.

Documenting the Downtime
The bulk of the tournament is often spent just waiting…and waiting…and waiting. But your child’s fondest memories of the tournament might also be found off the field. Did she enjoy a water fight before the big game? How did he blow off steam before their team was up? What new friends did she make? What rival team did they cheer for?

Be a Sportscaster
Just like on ESPN, interview your sports star(s) or the coaches after the game to get their post-game reactions. Ask pointed questions about why they won or lost? What could they have done differently? What will he remember about this tournament? What does she wish she could forget? Include these interview details in the journaling.

Season Highlights
The tournament scrapbook page is the ideal place to give the season’s recap. Document the season’s win-loss record. Make a note of who was voted MVP and most improved. Use some candid photos of the team which don’t fit on any other scrapbook page.

It’s How You Play the Game
Of course, you’d love to scrapbook your team with the tournament trophy held high but how do you document a loss? It’s okay to shoot photos of the frustrated tears or the consoling hug among teammates. Look for a photo opportunity showing your team spirit,
even after the loss.

Sports tournaments are a culmination of a hard-played season. Make sure to include this milestone in your child’s sports scrapbook.

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